Monday 30 January 2017


#Couplets #Ayurveda #HealthyLiving #RealWealth #HealthIsWealth #HealthMantra #Swasthya 


There are health mantras given in ancient Hindi couplets, useful for every person who believes that health is real wealth. Something that is shareable with our loved ones. 

"प्राचीन स्वास्थ्य दोहावली"

पानी में गुड डालिए, बीत जाए जब रात!
सुबह छानकर पीजिए, अच्छे हों हालात!!

धनिया की पत्ती मसल, बूंद नैन में डार!
दुखती अँखियां ठीक हों, पल लागे दो-चार!!

ऊर्जा मिलती है बहुत, पिएं गुनगुना नीर!
कब्ज खतम हो पेट की, मिट जाए हर पीर!!

प्रातः काल पानी पिएं, घूंट-घूंट कर आप!
बस दो-तीन गिलास है, हर औषधि का बाप!!

ठंडा पानी पियो मत, करता क्रूर प्रहार!
करे हाजमे का सदा, ये तो बंटाढार!!

भोजन करें धरती पर, अल्थी पल्थी मार!
चबा-चबा कर खाइए, वैद्य न झांकें द्वार!!

प्रातः काल फल रस लो, दुपहर लस्सी-छांस!
सदा रात में दूध पी, सभी रोग का नाश!!

प्रातः- दोपहर लीजिये, जब नियमित आहार! 
तीस मिनट की नींद लो, रोग न आवें द्वार!!

भोजन करके रात में, घूमें कदम हजार!
डाक्टर, ओझा, वैद्य का , लुट जाए व्यापार !!

घूट-घूट पानी पियो, रह तनाव से दूर!
एसिडिटी, या मोटापा, होवें चकनाचूर!!

अर्थराइज या हार्निया, अपेंडिक्स का त्रास!
पानी पीजै बैठकर, कभी न आवें पास!!

रक्तचाप बढने लगे, तब मत सोचो भाय!
सौगंध राम की खाइ के, तुरत छोड दो चाय!!

सुबह खाइये कुवंर-सा, दुपहर यथा नरेश!
भोजन लीजै रात में, जैसे रंक सुरेश!!

देर रात तक जागना, रोगों का जंजाल!
अपच,आंख के रोग सँग, तन भी रहे निढाल

दर्द, घाव, फोडा, चुभन, सूजन, चोट पिराइ!
बीस मिनट चुंबक धरौ, पिरवा जाइ हेराइ!!

सत्तर रोगों कोे करे, चूना हमसे दूर!
दूर करे ये बाझपन, सुस्ती अपच हुजूर!!

भोजन करके जोहिए, केवल घंटा डेढ!
पानी इसके बाद पी, ये औषधि का पेड!!

अलसी, तिल, नारियल, घी सरसों का तेल!
यही खाइए नहीं तो, हार्ट समझिए फेल!

पहला स्थान सेंधा नमक, पहाड़ी नमक सु जान!
श्वेत नमक है सागरी, ये है जहर समान!!

अल्यूमिन के पात्र का, करता है जो उपयोग!
आमंत्रित करता सदा, वह अडतालीस रोग!!

फल या मीठा खाइके, तुरत न पीजै नीर!
ये सब छोटी आंत में, बनते विषधर तीर!!

चोकर खाने से सदा, बढती तन की शक्ति!
गेहूँ मोटा पीसिए, दिल में बढे विरक्ति!!

रोज मुलहठी चूसिए, कफ बाहर आ जाय!
बने सुरीला कंठ भी, सबको लगत सुहाय!!

भोजन करके खाइए, सौंफ, गुड, अजवान!
पत्थर भी पच जायगा, जानै सकल जहान!!

लौकी का रस पीजिए, चोकर युक्त पिसान!
तुलसी, गुड, सेंधा नमक, हृदय रोग निदान!

चैत्र माह में नीम की, पत्ती हर दिन खावे !
ज्वर, डेंगू या मलेरिया, बारह मील भगावे !!

सौ वर्षों तक वह जिए, लेते नाक से सांस!
अल्पकाल जीवें, करें, मुंह से श्वासोच्छ्वास!!

सितम, गर्म जल से कभी, करिये मत स्नान!
घट जाता है आत्मबल, नैनन को नुकसान!!

हृदय रोग से आपको, बचना है श्रीमान!
सुरा, चाय या कोल्ड्रिंक, का मत करिए पान!!

अगर नहावें गरम जल, तन-मन हो कमजोर!
नयन ज्योति कमजोर हो, शक्ति घटे चहुंओर!!

तुलसी का पत्ता करें, यदि हरदम उपयोग!
मिट जाते हर उम्र में,तन में सारे रोग।

कृपया इस अति उपयोगी जानकारी को जरूर आगे बढ़ाएं


#TrafficRules #TrafficCop #TrafficViolations #HoaxMessage #


A mail from ACP Praveen Soon is doing the rounds on social media and internet but is partially correct. You ought to know what is right in the message and what is not.

The "Mail from ACP Praveen Sood" hoax

July 2010.
What is this hoax about?

The mail claims that the traffic police cannot take certain actions if you are caught without a PUC certificate and vehicle insurance. It also claims to tell you your rights. 

SPTM has verified from reliable sources that:

The information in the mail is only partially correct, and Shri Praveen Sood is not ACP-Traffic Mumbai but holds the post at Bangalore.

As such, please do not forward this mail to your friends. Instead, please direct them to the SPTM site (

What is claimed in the mail?

No policeman can slap a penalty on you just because you have no insurance or emission certificate.

If you have not purchased insurance cover for your vehicle, then the police officer must issue a notice, not impose penalty. 

You must be given 15 days' time to purchase insurance cover and one week for obtaining the emission certificate.

What is the truth?
SPTM has discussed and verified the following with DCP-Traffic, Pune.

Traffic police can slap a penalty on you if you do not have the PUC certificate or insurance cover required by the law.

However, they have the following instructions from DCP-Traffic:

Do not stop drivers and check their papers unless you spot a traffic violation. Do not stop drivers only to check papers.

If the driver fails to show the papers, but claims that s/he has those but they are at home, s/he should be allowed 15 days' time to present the papers.

Please understand clearly that these 15 days are not for purchasing insurance cover and obtaining the emission certificate, but merely for showing the papers to the police. These and other applicable papers must be valid on the day the driver was asked to show them.

The message that is doing the rounds is as follows

Here is the complete text of the mail, just for information:
Subject: Notice from Praveen Sood (Additional Commissioner for Traffic, Mumbai) - 022 - 22942276.

Dear All,

Please forward this mail as many as you your bit for to help the ignorant. Take a printout of this and keep it in your car's glove compartment. May come handy... Not knowing this may leave a big hole in your pocket. Information you should have: If you are getting caught quite often by traffic police, then please read on.

From now onwards, the Traffic Police cannot catch a motorist just to examine the driving license or vehicle documents. They can catch you only if you have violated any traffic laws or if you are driving drunk. Remember that when caught for traffic violation, the fine you pay must be limited to the violation. In other words, the police can't bloat the bill saying that you have no insurance cover or emission certificate, etc.

Many motorists do not know this. According to the law, no policeman can slap a penalty on you just because you have no insurance or emission certificate.

If you have not purchased insurance cover for your vehicle, then the police officer must issue a notice, not impose penalty. You must be given 15 days' time to purchase insurance cover and one week for obtaining the emission certificate.

15 Days later, meet the sub-inspector at his station with the insurance cover or emission certificate, so that he will annul the charge at once. Police can fine you only if you fail to produce these documents within the stipulated period. If your vehicle is brand new, then you need not bother about obtaining the emission certificate for one full year.

In response to a question as to why policemen fine people instantly without giving them time to obtain insurance cover or emission certificate, Additional Commissioner for Traffic Praveen Sood said, "Yes, it is a mistake. People must force policemen to issue notice or complain to me at least the following day.

The best way to teach the police a lesson is by filing a written complaint with their higher officials and, a week later, using the Right to Information Act (RTI) to know the action taken against them. Remember, any question or application filed under RTI cannot be ignored and no official is bold enough to ignore the RTI Act.

Praveen Sood
(Additional Commissioner for Traffic, Mumbai)
022 - 22942276

Sunday 29 January 2017


#MentalThoughts #ThoughtProving #Life #LifeChangingThoughts #Positivism #NegativeVsPositive


A SINGLE POWERFUL SENTENCE can alter the our perspective of life. On the other side, the destructive one can ruin our lives. The ones that can change your mood adding power and positivism for better life are mentioned below. 

1. In a 2000 Sq feet house you live in 200 Sq feet; in the remaining 1800 Sq feet lives your ego.

2.The difference between "Time" and "Wealth". You are always aware at all times how much wealth you have but you are never aware at any time how much time you have.!!!

3. An anklet costs thousands but is worn on the feet but a bindi costs ₹ 2 and is worn on the forehead....Therefore it is not the cost that matters but the place.

4. In a book store lie both the Holy Gita and the Quran. They never quarrel with each other. ..The ones who fight in their name are those who have never read them....

5. A true friend is one who tells you the truth which may hurt like salt on a wound; those who speak sweetly are only sycophants. It is a known fact that salt never spoils but sweets spoil very easily.

6. Science claims that when hurt is inflicted on the tongue it heals very fast .....Wisdom says that when hurt is inflicted by the tongue it never heals..

7. Never compare your weaknesses to other people’s strengths.

8. Own your life, or someone will own it for you.

9. We cannot change the cards we are dealt,just how we play the hand.

10. Climb mountains not so the world can see you but so you can see the world.

11. If you accept your limitation, you go beyond them.

12. Comfort is the enemy of achievement.

13. No matter anyone says to you,you don’t have to eat dinner with them,
live with them or go to bed with them.

14. If you risk nothing, you risk everything.

15. Don’t give others the power to control your emotion. Those are only yours and it is only for you to manipulate.

16. Victory introduces you to the world, but defeat introduces the world to you.

17. If you don’t do stupid things while you are young,you will have nothing to smile about when you are old.

18. Don’t waste your time with explanation,people only hear what they want to hear.

19. Don’t rest after your first victory,because if you fail the second time,more lips will be waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.

20. Everyone thinks of changing the world,but no one thinks of changing themselves.

21. The person that you will spend most time with in your life is yourself, so better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.

Hope its worth a share.

Thursday 26 January 2017


#ValuableTips #LiftTips #Life #Advice #


जिसका सवार अच्छा हो..!

परिवार वह ही आगे बढ़ता है..
जहाँ मुखिया समझदार हो ..!

बिना सवार का घोडा
बेलगाम हो जाता है

और बिना मुखिया के
परिवार बट जाता है

किसी भी मोड़ पर अगर
मै बुरा लगूं....

तो ज़माने को बताने से पहले
एक बार मुझे जरूर बता देना ,

क्योंकि बदलना मुझे है ,
ज़माने को नहीं .

चेहरे की हंसी से गम को भुला दो
कम बोलो पर सब कुछ बता दो

ख़ुद ना रूठो और सबको हंसा दो
यही राज है जिन्दगी का
जियो और जीना सिखा दो

तीन चीज़ें हमेशा दिल में रखनी चाहिए !नम्रता, दया और माफ़ी।

तीन चीज़ें इंसान की अपनी होती हैं !रूप, भाग्य और स्वभाव।

तीन चीज़ों से दूर भागो!आलस्य, खुशामद और बकवास।

तीन चीज़ों के लिए मर मिटो !धेर्य, देश और मित्र।

तीन चीज़ें किसी का इन्तजार नहीं करती !
समय, मौत, ग्राहक।

तीन चीजे जो कभी निश्चित नहीं होती !सपनें, सफलता और भाग्य।

तीन चीज़ें अगर चली गयी तो कभी वापस नहीं आती !समय, शब्द और अवसर।

तीन चीजों को कभी छोटी ना समझे !बीमारी, कर्जा, शत्रु।

तीन चीज़ें जो सबसे अमूल्य है !प्यार, आत्मविश्वास और सच्चा मित्र।

तीन व्यक्ति वक़्त पर पहचाने जाते हैं !स्त्री, भाई, दोस्त।

तीनों चीजों को हमेशा वश में रखो !मन, काम और लोभ।

Saturday 21 January 2017


#IndianPolitics #Kinship #Nepotism #Favoritism #FamilyRelationship #DynastyRule #


Like ancient dynastic rule of Royal families their son or daughter would normally assume the throne and rule the subjects, we have the same trend going on in Indian politics. If someone's father or mother have been in politics then it is pretty likely his/her son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law will follow his/her steps. Irony of the fact is that most of the people at large would regard these politicians as their kings and support their sons and daughters, baring an educated class of India. 

However, the political scene is getting transformed here gradually as the dissent voices against nepotism are surfacing now and again. Yet, it has no positive results as still the voters are stamping their approvals on the arrivals of daughters and sons of politicians by giving them their valuable votes. 

In India, there is a huge list of the politicians in almost every political outfit wherein their sons and daughters have been given tickets to extend legacy to further their dynasty as if it is their birth right to be in politics. It is unfortunate that voters do not look for new honest leaders and support dynasty in politics. The gullible voters often tricked by the false commitments and promises including some educated ones most often than not prefer to extend their support to these families. 

Tuesday 17 January 2017


#Eci #MobileApp #ElectionCommission #SmartphoneApp #PolingStations #


The launch of a mobile App (ECI Apps Suite)  by Election Commission of India makes it easier for every Indian voter to access anything he/she desires to know during elections. one can apply (enrol) for new voter id, make corrections in old card if any anomalies one finds in his/her voter id card and access all kind of info on any candidate a voter wants to know before voting. This is a smart move by ECI that will come handy and benefit Indians voters a lot.

In the times of Apps, this particular App will provide literally everything about polling schedules, voting booths area wise, the election process, news, election results, in real time during election if a voter wants to track. Its downloading process is pretty much same as any other App on one's smart phone.

ECI launches an integrated smart phone app

Saturday 14 January 2017


#PmModi #KhadiCalendar #Kvic #KhadiVillageIndustriesCommission #KhadiUdyog


In an attempt to carve his image like that of Father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi in this country, PM, Modi, in poor taste, has replaced Gandhi's image on the 2017 Calendar of Govt's Khadi Enterprise that has been condemned by opposition and many as sheer blasphemous. 


It seems all PM Modi cares for is the Holy Chant of Modi, Modi, Modi... and Har Har Modi Ghar Ghar Modi, all around him pan india. He is rather spoiling his own image by doing such disgraceful things. If he wants people of India to worship him like Mahatma Gandhi then he should be thinking of doing great deeds for this nation what Mahatma Gandhi had performed all his life. 

It can not be achieved overnight though through calendar publicity. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi had struggled, started national movement and sacrificed relentlessly to get the freedom to this nation for years and years that led him to be MAHATMA GANDHI and later as FATHER OF THE NATION. He didn't achieve this respect through photo shoot of calendar.

Facing severe criticism for self propaganda by Modi, Indian Govt. however has defended it by calling it a baseless and uncalled for controversy on the face of Modi's special photo-shoot images on calendars and diaries of Khadi Udyog. It says there is no such rule that only Mahatma Gandhi's image has to be there. 

Friday 13 January 2017


#Rape #DateDrugs #Rohypnol #RaveParties #Precautions #CityLife #UrbanAreas

Another rape Technique in Town

Important post for every female 

Ladies please be careful.

A woman was taken by 5 men who according to hospital and police report was raped by a gang before being dumped at a bus station!

Though she was unable to remember the events of the previous evening, tests conducted revealed that she had been raped repeatedly.There was a trace of Rohypnol in her blood.

Rohypnol, is presently being used as a date rape drug.

It is actually a small sterilization pill which is now being used by rapists to drug their targets at parties.

The drug makes the mind of the target (would be victim) go blank so that she does not remember anything that transpired and worse still, the drug sterilizes the victim so that she doesn't conceive from the rape and the rapist need not worry about having his identity revealed later by a paternity test.

The real bad news is that the drug's side effects


they are

Any female that
takes it


The drug isadministered by dropping it into the target's drink.

The girl wouldn't remember a thing the next morning, nothing at all that had taken place the
night before will she remember.

Rohypnol, dissolves rapidly and easily in drinks, leaving no taste and no change in color
which makes it impossible to detect.

These weasels can get this drug from anyone who is in the vet school or any medical university.

It's that easy and Rohypnol is about to break out big on campuses everywhere.

Believe it or not, there are even sites on the internet telling people how to use it.

Girls, please be careful when you're out, especially on a date, don't leave your drink unattended.

(Buy your own drinks, ensure bottles or cans received are unopened or sealed;
don't even taste someone else's drink).

There has already been a report in Nigeria of girls' drinks being spiked by Rohypnol.

For guys - 

Please inform all your female family members, relatives and friends.

Remember you also have sisters or might one day have a daughter(s).

Important News are meant to be passed on, please don't ignore.

Share it on so that we are better equipped to protect our loved and save lives.

What is Rohypnol?

Rohypnol is an intermediate-acting benzodiazepine with general properties similar to those of Valium (diazepam). It is used in the short-term treatment of insomnia, as a pre-medication in surgical procedures and for inducing anesthesia. 

A medicine in fashion that is being used to rape women.



Tuesday 10 January 2017


 #women #fairsex #Independence #Health #savings #Responsibility 

Make sure that every woman in your life reads this:

1.Take care of your health. Spend time n money on maintaining yourself.

2.Learn to be independent. Its perfectly ok to not earn, but its important to be independent.

3.Learn to ride that bike or drive that car. You don't always need an escort!

4.Learn about investments and taxes. Its not necessary to have someone else manage your savings n earnings all your life.

5.Plan and save for your own gifts n desires. You don't always need a boyfriend or husband or your dad to buy you something you love. Gift yourself!

6.When you expect equal pay at work, take equal responsibilities. Its not ok to play the "woman" card or "mother" card and shun tough tasks.

7.Take equal responsibility of your parents. Its not acceptable to expect everything from your brother every time.

8.Let the father take care of the unwell child once in a while. Its ok. Your career is equally important and the father is equally responsible.

9.Let other family members take care of your kitchen sometimes. Its ok if the kitchen platform is exceptionally unclean or sink is full of dirty vessels. Relax n take that break!

10.Help the other woman, even if you dont like her ;) You never know what her battles are. Empower the needy ones, like your maids. Teach her basics of hygiene, education and finances.

11.Create a support system. Its ok to get on well with inlaws! Not every family needs to have a saas-bahu drama.

12.Have some friends (men and women) beyond your husband's or boyfriend's group. Its ok ! Spend some time away from family with your friends.

13.Its ok to not cry. Not all women need to be senti all the time ;)

14. Be vigilant, be prepared to handle tough situations. When things go wrong, try to be balanced and find way out of your problems. You don't need to play the victim.

15. Find time to read and keep yourself updated.

16.Raise independent, caring and health conscious kids. Make all family members equally accountable and responsible.

17. Create different girlie groups. Share your problems and seek opinions. Finally take your own decision and be confident about it.

18. Spend some time doing what you like, even if its just sitting idle. Dont feel guilty about it, just because others feel its worthless.

19. Believe in yourself...... . If you don't, no one else will

Friday 6 January 2017


#AtmFrauds #Frauds #Bank #Prevention #Cure #Proverb #AtmUsers #DebitCard


Every ATM user must know about this important feature of your ATM

जरूर पढेँ...

यदि कोई ATM CARD समेत आपका अपहरण कर ले तो विरोध मत कीजिए ।

अपहर्ता की इच्छानुसार
ATM मशीन मेँ कार्ड
डालिए ।

आपका कोड वर्ड रिवर्स
मेँ डायल कीजिए । जैसे
यदि आपका कोड
1234 की जगह 4321
डायल कीजिए । 

ऐसा करने
पर ATM खतरे
को भाँपकर
पैसा तो निकालेगा...

लेकिन आधा ATM मशीन मेँ
फँसा रह जायेगा ।

इसी बीच मेँ ATM मशीन
खतरे को भाँपकर बैंक
और नजदीकी पुलिस स्टेशन
को सूचित कर देगा और

साथ ...
ही ATM का डोर
ऑटो लॉक हो जाएगा ।
इस तरह बगैर
अपहर्ता को भनक लगे आप
सुरक्षित बच जाएँगे ।

ATM मेँ पहले से ही सिक्योरिटी मैकेनिजम है जिसकी जानकारी बहुत कम लोगोँ को है । 

अपने परिवार वालों और मित्रों को अवश्य सूचित करें 

सोचो ये मेसेज सब तक पहुँचाना कितना जरूरी है !